Monday, January 11, 2010


2010 has been fabulous so far. It's been filled with family, extra time with my dh and best friend, Jim and expectations of what God has in store for us this year.

I have always wanted to "have the time" to do Pater's Scripture challenges but this year I am going to "make" the time to do this.

I am also going to make more time to scrap all the memories Jim, Stevie, and I have shared over so many years. It's time to stop collecting all my scraping stuff and start working with it. Please check back often. I will be posting my first challenge on Wednesday along with my title page.

Have a great day!!


Connie Mercer said...

great!!!! can't wait to see your layouts!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I can't wait to see your works. I read a stamping maazine the other night, it had a great piece of advice. I offer it to you, it took me 20 years to hear it...maybe you will take it at the beggining of your regular scrapbooking.

They said something to this effect: Do not wait until you have every perfect paper to go with every single embellishment, and you'll want to find some matchy-match letters,and if they have the wrong shade...go to another store..."

Just start with what you have, and as time goes by add to it. You don't need every hot ticket right away. Get some basics a few extra goodies, but don't spend 40 minutes trying to tell if the blue paper is really black. Enjoy it, instead of needing to put it on your housework "To Do" list.

I hope this makes sense. I hope you have a blast scrapping. We are having a virtual sleepover for scrappers starting noon on Friday at SCS. If you need info, feel free to email me.

In His Love,
Traci S.

Trish D said...

Can't wait to see the finished prodcut. We *really* must get together again soon and play (more motivation for me to get myself organized...)