Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ya know, poster

I don't really appreciate that bad word you were trying to throw out there on my comment section in the last post, but I get your point, hahaha..I actually tried to load last week but blogger didn't cooperate!! haha....., well i hope you'll believe it anyway, and if ya don't, well I was tied up, haha...

While I finish up on my latest project which will be available for your viewing pleasure in just a few (days, hours, months, we'll have to wait and see, haha)please enjoy what i had so much fun living earlier this month...can't wait to do it again girls...and Pam, you might want to either seat me at the same table next time, or on the floor in the corner some where, hahaha...again, so sorry about the mishap, we Valley girls, don't get out much if ya know what I mean....

Now, not sure if I mentioned it or not, but Miss Pam aka keeper of the keys for Craft Crossing, gave out prizes all day and into the night...Please note last picture. Miss Penci, aka T!m's wanna be little sister, made and handed out this beautiful WISH book she made...I'd love to have shown you , but as y ou can see one of the locals couldn't stand that we might want to record this moment and jumped in front of the camera..yes, that is her and her girls who just couldn't stand Kathy in the limelight...just sayin,and again, girls enjoy the pics and I'm sure Miss Pam would love to woo and wahh ya in her store...I am told Miss Penci is givin some great classes in Jan and Feb and I so hope Miss Connie will too cuz I am wanting to revisit....blessings to you all, SAndi

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